4 Reasons to Confront a Loved One Who Is Addicted

4 Reasons to Confront a Loved One Who Is Addicted

Confronting an addict may be quite the predicament, especially if that addict is a family member, friend or loved one. You may not know what to say, how to say it or if it is even appropriate to say anything at all.

You may even worry about the relationship or how the conversation will go, all of which can keep you quiet. But, you must address addiction as soon as you recognize it, because this will safeguard the addict’s life as well as your own.

Why Confront a Drug Addict

If you are reluctant to confront an addicted loved one, consider doing so for the following 4 reasons:

  • Denial. Addicts are consumed with addiction, which is part of the disease. Because they fixate on addiction, many addicts completely deny that they have neglected the needs and feelings of others. Addicts do not see the blatantly obvious problems unfolding in their lives, and as a result they do not recognize when their drug use escalates into addiction. But, by confronting the addict, she must face the reality of her addiction—if no one forces her to recognize addiction, she may carry-on in denial forever.
  • Time-sensitivity. Addiction is a progressive, aggressive disease, so the earlier you address it, the better the chances are for recovery. You can avoid several problems by confronting addiction early-on. Anyone who thinks that intervention is only necessary when an addict hits rock bottom is dead-wrong.
  • Support. Support is essential for addiction recovery, because an addict will almost inevitably fail without it. By confronting addiction, family and friends show their support for the addict, because they stick their necks out for to demonstrate their concern. Addicts need sympathy and support throughout recovery, so even if they avoid help immediately after an intervention, they will at least know that someone will help them when they are ready.
  • Boundaries. Loved ones who avoid addiction are enabling the addictive behavior. By addressing the issue, loved ones can set healthy boundaries and stop enabling drug use. Loved ones can stay in an addict’s life and help him, but boundaries must be set to protect these loved ones from harm.

Address addiction as soon as possible to give your loved one the best chance at recovery.