How Sharing Your Painkiller Addiction Story Can Help You and Others

How Sharing Your Painkiller Addiction Story Can Help You and Others

Sharing your painkiller addiction story can inspire others to reach out for help. Addiction can happen to anyone, and with so many prescriptions written each year, painkiller abuse is on the rise.

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the use of prescription drugs remains at an all time high in both older teenagers and adults. Using prescription painkillers can quickly lead to addiction, but addicts or recovering addicts can gain strength from telling their stories to others.

Sharing Addiction Stories with Family

Sharing your painkiller addiction stories with family members can help those you love understand what you are going through. It can also open the door to honest discussions about family addiction history, as well as any family history of mental illness.

In either case, knowing as much information as possible about your family can help professionals design a treatment plan specifically for you. Family members who hear your addiction stories may also be motivated to talk to their doctors about their needs to prevent addiction. Addiction can be hereditary, and sharing about your struggles may help loved ones avoid the same path.

Sharing Addiction Stories with Friends

At some point during your painkiller addiction, your friends may wonder what is happening to you. They may see your behavior changing, or notice that you are not as available. You know this is due to therapy, but they may think it is because you no longer care about them.

Getting your friends’ support with your addiction story can provide powerful support, and it is a great way to keep your friends from making the same mistakes. Sharing your painkiller addiction stories also identify who your true friends are, because it helps you identify those who contribute to the problem. Talking to your therapist about how to share your stories will help prepare you to speak in productive ways.

Sharing Addiction Stories with the Public

One way to give back to the community after rehab is by sharing your addiction stories with youth groups, school groups and other organizations. Sharing your struggles and victories may give young people the courage to talk to a counselor or parent for help. Sharing your stories helps you see how far you have come in your efforts to stay clean.