The Dangers of Getting Drugs from a Dealer

The Dangers of Getting Drugs from a Dealer

It is never a good idea to obtain your drug of choice through a drug dealer, whether you know the dealer or not. Drug dealers and their accomplices usually engender trouble, ranging from financial issues to personal problems. It is not safe to trust anyone who is tied to illegal drug use or dealership, as a user’s motives are centered around the drug, and the dealer’s motives are centered around the money.

Is it Safe to Get Drugs from a Dealer?

Consider the following facts before you think it is safe to buy any drug from a dealer:

  • You do not know who you will encounter when buying drugs. When meeting a dealer to pick up drugs, you are often in an undisclosed location away from the public while meeting a person you may not even know. This is quite risky, as you are putting yourself in a situation where you could get hurt or be taken advantage of. If you find yourself in a compromising situation, no one may know where you are or how to help.
  • You cannot be positive that what you are buying has not been tampered with. While misusing drugs for recreational use is certainly unsafe, the risk is increased when buying from a dealer who may have altered the drug. This leaves you at risk because you may be taking a substance which can affect your mind and body.
  • When you buy drugs from a dealer, you have no idea how the drug will affect you. When prescribed a drug by a physician, many factors go into that prescription, including your past medical and family history. To prevent any health risks, your doctor carefully considers which medication is best suited for you. There are health risks involved even in these situations, and much more so when you buy drugs from a stranger.
  • Now that you have chosen to purchase your drugs from a dealer, you must be prepared to deal with legal issues, up to and including jail time. There are thousands of undercover police officers patrolling streets all across America to catch dealers and buyers. By choosing to obtain drugs in this fashion, you are putting yourself at risk of being arrested. You can face numerous fines, probation and jail time.

Addiction is a disease and does not mean that you are a criminal. By engaging in these acts, you are putting yourself in a position where legal action can be taken against you, where you can end up in the wrong crowd and where you can end up dead. Your lifestyle will change if you get caught up in illegal dealership. Severe consequences may be right around the corner.